Ramblings of a Poetic Stone

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Birthday Poem at Work

With coffee, teas and other timings
you do keep us on our toes
and then again, inside a cloud's silver linings
you do listen to all our woes

So for once here is wishing just for you
a great day at work and also at hom etoo
with God's blessing for this day
"Keep on smiling" in your own sweet way

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Good Morning Sunday Baby

Woke up this morning and opened my eyes,
flew out of bed and soon realized,
it's Christmas, there's no need to jump up today,
so I climbed right back in with my wife and the hay.
Now my son, the two year old, full of young spark,
opens up his eyes also and sees it's not dark,
he hops up quite quickly, a new day's begun,
time to eat, time to play, go outside and have fun.
He contemplates, hmm, which one will it be,
to rock out of deep sleep and take care of me?
Before I can even expect the attack,
he leaps high in the air and lands straight on my back.
"Get up, get up daddy", was said as he beats on my head,
I roll over and smile, eyelids heavy as lead.
As I sit up to greet him, handsome eyes bright and brown,
he gives me a hug and surely as I had always known,
that even though it was just 7:45,
I was the luckiest Daddy alive.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Scope 2005 Xmas CO2 Emissions

To be or not to be, that was the question
what to do for Christmas with those CO2 Emissions
to write a poem, or sing a rhyme
would not be fitting with "Ol'lang Sine".

But a solution for this party had to be found
it must be good, coming from the Scope Team Sound.
And as my thoughts flew from one spot to another
I could only think of CO2 and hovver,
what could I say, in relation to this special event
except that it (the Birth) must have been a God-send.

Now I could recite the age old story,
but without the life-stock, there would be no CO2 glory
and so I say, just breath in without a clout
as I give you the annual Christmas shout:

Smelly Christmas Everybody !

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


In the Scoper-Team routine busy office day
There seems to be no time for us to stop and say
As we rush from call to mail, no thought can stay,
No time to share a sorry coffee on a tray.

So, to circumvent this, it really can be true.
Despite the stress and even feeling rather blue,
A party is being planned, yes through and through
To pass the time, for a change, on the other shoe.

So hold head high, be of good cheer and come along
A Chocolate party this year just can’t be wrong.
With cheese and wine and maybe even a song
Friday evening, 14th May, we’ll start with a gong.

Before the location though can be decided
The Organisers here cannot be divided
Your soonest reply , it must be provided
To confirm that You’ll be there, with us united.

And thus you should let Birgit and or Wei-Hung know
So that they can arrange the items for the show
Who brings what for the festivities to grow
To raise the Team spirit from a level too low.


Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah and hear
Friends, Romans and colleagues please still lend me an ear
So at this last big Scope Meeting of the year
We may laugh together, and maybe shed a tear

Another good Year we have seen together go by
With some stories of joy and some to make you cry
New faces appeared and Scope did in large diversify
As Old ones moved by, some sad with a heavy sigh

But like good soldiers we all marched on
Singing the unknown, secret Scoper song
To the steady rhythm of the Downstream Gong
As this tremendous year did move along

Now here we are by another Christmas door
Waiting for festivities and prices galore
And a gift is graciously given on the floor
To whose dress-sense is festively not poor

But one other item we must not forget
The annual tradition found in the Scoper net
As the birth-rate has been sanctimoniously set
So for the growing family, Steve, you must get.

And with that I close this meeting
Let's have some lunch and get some seating
And don’t let me do all the eating.


Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah and hear
Friends, Romans and colleagues please to lend me an ear
So that on this momentous occasion, non shall loose or fear
As we all laugh together, not forgetting King Lear !

A year has gone by, oh boy what things we have seen
In came a new Boss, not that the old one was a Has-Been
The stage was set, an “Away-day” brought in a new scene
The Network was searched for new fruit to glean .

Not just the Dailies, Weeklies, or Monthlies kept us all ever so busy
There was the MTP & TnR; GSAP & OCA; GSE & MVA to keep us dizzy.
And news from the Top shocked the World, putting us all in a tizzy
So Obi-1-Kanobi brought in the solution, yet it won’t be easy.

But now, let us remember in this tide of Season,
Why are we here, to celebrate what and with a reason?
The Birth of a Man, a God some said and thought treason
Yet only a Babe the Shepherds saw, putting their fleece on.

The giving of Gifts is though relatively new,
As the story of the Fir tree grew and grew.
Yet is that why the Son of Man came, to sit in a pew?
So I wonder what does Christmas really mean to you?

Thus as you sit to ponder anew this age old Question,
listen to me as I try to make a decent suggestion.
To stimulate the grey cells, and assist with the digestion
let your earthly mind wander to a spiritual digression.

There can be so much more to this our hectic life,
as we go to work with the routine Scope shuffle and jive.
Following the money on LP’s from Seven to Five.
Far more than paying the bills, or living in a hive!

God send his Son to this blue planet Mother Earth.
It was This babe to whom in a Manger was given birth.
He came for each of You, not to see you fill your girth.
Yet we celebrate once, and God always chuckles at his mirth!!

Farewell to a dear colleague 11.2005

Wei-Hung, you may by now have handed in all the things;
Like mobile phone, lap-top, keys, pens and pins;
But to leave your last Europe Session just like that;
Won’t be heard of, so at the drop of a hat;
From all your colleagues here at Europe Scope;
We have one final item for your future Hope.

To most people it is a very well known fact;
That University life has a learning curve very compact;
And at the end it’s not the subject matter which really counted;
But he extra curricular activities that make us all more rounded;
And thus upon graduation and final leaving day;
One receives a certificate as compensation for pay.

So Wei-Hung, as you finally leave the University of Scope Hall
We too have a certificate for you to put up on your new wall
To remind you of your time here with us all.

November 2005

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ode for the day :L 22.05.2006

to wax lyrically and go with the time
one must trust the rhythm to follow the rhyme
but if one is a beginner as one is in this line
one can help but wonder whether it be worth try'in'

having seen a few bloggers since my last entry
it might be worth to forget the Godly sentry
and look for proper bread in the traditional pantry
but then all else would be really 'manky' (what does that mean?)

Shakespeare once said:

To be or Not to be
Einstein asked that Question
Cook then went across the sea
as Darwin crossed that Nature bastion